03 November 2013


I visited Cuba in September. This is now easier for US passport holders who have an academic reason to visit, and I was holding a workshop on digital preservation as part of the regular summer schools that Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin holds in Havana -- one of the standard exemptions. Here I am with my students.

 Photo credit: Universidad de Habana, 2013

The university library is itself a handsome building, but in poor repair despite the best efforts of the staff. Below are two murals from the reading room:

Murals from the Universidad de Habana Reading Room.

Many of the works in their collection in bad condition. Insect damage is especially a problem, despite fumigation efforts. The picture below is typical.
Papel Periodico  de la Havana 1791

Thanks to a friend at the German Embassy, I saw some of tourist Havana. Here is a view of the town and harbor.
View of Havana from the fort.

Some parts are very nice, such as this hotel.
Hotel where Hemingway stayed in Havana

Other areas look derelict and need a protecting angel.
House with the archangel Gabriel paying a visit.

Train service is limited. This is one of the few trains that runs regularly, but goes painfully slowly because of the condition of the track. Replacement parts are hard to get for everything.
Cuban train

The public art is strikingly interesting, such as this pair talking.
Public art in Havana: couple talking.

Or this rooster rider.
Public art in Havana: Rooster Rider

I have a report about the needs of the university library, which I can share with any who are interested.